Update on Paxlovid™ prescription transition to primary care
Later in April, prescribing Paxlovid™ to eligible Alberta COVID-19 patients at high risk of severe outcomes will begin transitioning to primary care providers. Primary care providers will have varying capacities to take on this responsibility. It’s an important role involving the patient’s most trusted care provider and promotes continuity of care and access to this treatment.
AHS will continue to provide testing and will operate a dedicated Health Link line (1-844-343-0971) and the Monoclonal Antibody Prescription Program (MAPP) for Albertans wanting to access Paxlovid™. Note that MAPP will be important in coordinating and providing care for unattached patients.
To ensure providers are prepared for this transition, provincial teams are assembling key resources to be available toward the end of April, including: a pathway tool, testing guidance, drug interaction information, a high-risk patient identification tool and more. Primary care prescribers can also contact the MAPP program through the Referral, Access, Advice, Placement, Information & Destination (RAAPID) site if they have questions about prescribing in complex situations. A map and list of pharmacies providing Paxlovid™ in their communities can be found on this Alberta Blue Cross web page. The Ontario Science Table has created a comprehensive resource with information that prescribers need to know.
If you are curious about how many of your patients qualify for Paxlovid, check out your HQCA Panel Reports.
Webinar #9: COVID Talks for Docs - What you need to know about Paxlovid™
This webinar scheduled for April 27 at 12 p.m. is designed to support physicians and their teams as prescribing Paxlovid™ and other outpatient treatments for COVID-19 begins transitioning to primary care providers. It will respond to common and emerging questions from primary care providers about Paxlovid™. Participants will have time to ask questions related to managing patients and practice needs including:
  • What is Paxlovid™, why the transition to primary care and when should it be prescribed?
  • What processes do clinics need to have in place to support prescribing Paxlovid™?
  • What supports are available to ensure physicians feel confident and competent in prescribing Paxlovid™?
All Alberta primary care physicians and clinic staff who are interested in learning more about Paxlovid™ are invited to join this session. We encourage physicians to share the webinar details with their clinic staff who may be assisting COVID-19 positive patients calling the clinic inquiring about treatment options.
For more information, visit the webinar web page, or register online.
Prescription criteria for Paxlovid expanded
Prescription criteria for Paxlovid™ have now been expanded to include people living in long-term care and most Designated Supportive Living settings (levels DSL4 and 4D), regardless of vaccination status. Indigenous patients who are 45 years or older and have received either one dose of vaccine or are unvaccinated are also now eligible for treatment. For information on Paxlovid™, including new criteria visit COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment | Alberta Health Services. Please email phc@ahs.ca with any questions.

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