Unsatisfactory Pap test results: what to know

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. The AHS Alberta Cervical Cancer Screening Program (ACCSP) is sharing information about unsatisfactory (or ‘unsat’) Pap test results with health care providers who conduct cervical cancer screening.
The ACCSP is supporting providers to improve ‘unsat’ Pap test rates in Alberta. While the provincial target for ‘unsat’ rates is less than 1%, the 2019 rate was 3.6% for Alberta Precision Laboratories catchment and 1.6% for DynaLife catchment. Patients with ‘unsat’ results require another Pap test after three months. As such, keeping ‘unsat’ rates low helps patients avoid repeat tests and decreases health care system costs.
What are some reasons for ‘unsat’ results?

Provider Factors
  • Empty vials with only preservatives and no patient samples
  • Use of lubricant jelly, which interferes with specimen processing
    • It’s recommended that only lukewarm water is used
  • Poor sampling technique
Patient Factors
  • Post-menopausal status
  • Use of personal lubricants, spermicidal jellies, or hormonal creams
    • Remind patients to avoid using these products at least 48 hours prior to appointment
Remember, Pap test collection procedures vary slightly depending on which lab kits your practice uses. We encourage you to take a moment to review the applicable collection procedure guide: Alberta Precision Laboratories; DynaLife. Visit screeningforlife.ca for more information and resources.


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